Assistant Professor
PhD in Sociology, York University, Canada
Master of Arts in Child and Youth Studies, Brock University, Canada
Masters in Women's Studies, The University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Masters in Public Administration, The University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 6355
Office: NAC 908, North South University, Plot 15, Block B, Bashundhara, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh.
Dr. Ishrat Zakia Sultana is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science and Sociology at NSU. She received her PhD in Sociology from York University, Toronto, Canada, where she worked as a Reasearch Assistant and a Teaching Assistant for several years. Her research interests include refugees, citizenship, identity, children, gender, policy and governance, and Asia. Her doctoral research focuses on identity construction of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
Dr. Sultana holds an Honours and a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Later she received a Masters in Women's Studies from the same institution, and an M.A. in Child and Youth Studies from Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada. Before pursuing doctoral studies, she spent several years in the government and development sector of Bangladesh. Dr. Sultana worked with FAO, UNDP and UNICEF Bangladesh, offering technical and strategic advice to the concerned government and development partners on empowerment of disadvantaged people that includes the coastal fishing communities, street children and children without parental care in Bangladesh. She also closely worked with the Ministry of Social Welfare of Bangladesh in designing and organizing training on proactive approaches to child friendly social work for the government and NGO personnel.
Dr. Sultana loves reading, traveling, and meditation.
Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarship, York University, 2013-2019
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Canada, 2016
Recognition of Merit, Department of Women's Studies, The University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2005
PhD in Sociology, York University, Canada
Masters in Child and Youth Studies, Brock University, Canada
Masters in Women's Studies, The University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Masters in Public Administration, The University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Course Coordinator of the Certificate Course on the Rohingya Crisis, June - September 2021
Coordinator, International Conference on Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions. North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. July 2019
Teaching Assistant, 2013- 2019
Courses taught: Introduction to Sociology, Research Methodology
Department of Sociology, York University, Cadana
Teaching Assistant, 2011-2013
Course taught: Introduction to Child and Youth Studies
Department of Child and Youth Studies, Brock Unviersity, Canada
Academic conference presentations
1) Recruiting Participants for Focus Group Discussions: A Critical Reflection. 40th Qualitative Analysis Conference on "Origin Stories:" Tracing the Origin of Ideas, Selves, and Communities. Wilfrid Laurier University - Brantford Campus, Canada, June 2024.
2) Organizational Ecosystem in the Rohingya Camps in Bangladesh. 2nd International Dialogue on the Governance of Refugee Camps (IDGRC). Organized by the School of Public Affairs. American University Washinton. Harokopio University, Athens, Greece, May 2023.
3) Illegal Migration of the Rohingya from Bangladesh by Boats. International Conference on Routine Irregularities: The Contested Governance of Irregular and Forced Migration in Asia. Organized by Australian National University. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia, February 2024.
4) What's up, gig workers? A situational analysis of challenges and opportunities of gig workers in Bangladesh. 56th Conference of Canadian Sociological Association. York University, Canada. June 2023.
5) 'Education is not for Rohingya refugees: An exclusionary project of denying human rights'. International Conference on Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions. North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. July 2019.
6) Discussant on the Economic Impacts of Rohingya cisis in the International Conference on Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions. North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. July 2019.
7) ‘Rohingya Identity: Perplexed by statelessness?’ The IXth edition of the Race, Ethnicity, and Place Conference, the Mexican American Cultural Center in Austin, Texas, USA. October 2018.
8) ‘Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: A Story of Stratification and Inequality’. 2nd International Conference on Rohingya: Politics, Ethnic Cleansing and Uncertainty. The University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. September 2018.
9) ‘Rohingya identity and what factored into the current genocide’. United South Asians at York (USAY), Toronto, Canada, April 2018.
10) ‘The Social Relations and Networks on Rohingya Refugees’ Education Attainment’. Canadian Association for Refugees and Forced Migration (CARFMS), University of Victoria, Canada, May 2017.
11) ‘Neither an insider nor an outsider, but ‘a guest’: they shape your positionality’. The 29th Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference (EQRC), Las Vegas, USA, January 2017.
12) ‘The exploitation of women workers: Unveiling capitalism in Bangladeshi garment industries’. The 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences Research (ICSSR), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2015.
13) ‘Tolerance and security for Burmese refugees: A comparative analysis of geopolitical contexts in Bangladeshi and Thai borders’. The 39th annual conference of the Social Science History Association, Toronto, Canada, November 2014.
14) ‘Myanmar refugees: Statelessness and lack of citizenship in Bangladesh’. The Conference of the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA), Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada, May 2014.
15) ‘Rootless Identities? Statelessness and Access to Basic Entitlements Amongst Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh’. The conference on ‘Changing Vistas: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Asia Pacific’, Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, April 2014.
16) ‘Risk and security of unaccompanied minors in Ontario: The urgency of a follow up policy’. York Student Graduate Association symposium, York University, Toronto, Canada, March 2014.
17) ‘Unaccompanied minors and youth in Canada: Challenging contexts of social and legal services’. The Graduate Student Research Symposium on ‘Children, Youth, and Security: Intersections of Research and Practice’, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, March 2014.
18) “Orchids’ identity: non-citizenship status of stateless Rohingya refugees”. The Critical Approaches to South Asian Studies (CASAS), York University, Toronto, Canada, January 2014.
19) 'Unaccompanied minors in Canada: How service provisions affect their lives' in the 'Mapping the New Knowledge' Conference at Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada, April 2013.
Research Assistant, Department of Sociology, York University, Canada, 2014-2019
Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, York University, Canada, 2013-2019
Research Assistant, Department of Child and Youth Studies, Brock University, Canada, 2012-2013
Teaching Assistant, Department of Child and Youth Studies, Brock University, Canada, 2011-2013
National Expert, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2007-2010
National Expert, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2005-2007
National Expert, Food and Agriculture Organizaiton (FAO), Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh: 2003-2005
Executive Officer (Commercial and Public Relations), Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (National Tourism Organization), Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2000-2003
Gender and Governance
Research Methods
Member, Canadian Sociological Association (CSA)
Member of Center for Migration Studies (CMS)
Member, Center for Peace Studies (CPS)
Coordinator, Center for Peace Studies (CPS), 2020-2021
Refugees, Citizenship, Identity, Children, Policy and governance, and South Asia.
Ongoing research
Recently accomplished projects
1. Illegal Migration of the Rohingya from Bangladesh. 2024, funded by NSU
2. Bureaucracy and Development in Bangladesh: An exploratory Study, 2024, Funded by CTRG NSU
3. Education policy recommendations for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. Dec 2019-Mar 2020, Funded by ADSP (Asia Displacement Solutions Platform)
4. Education in Bangladesh without legal identity: How do some Rohingya refugees make it possible?, 2019-2020, Funded by CTRG NSU
5. Impacts of COVID-19 on the employment of the female workers in the RMG sector in Bangladesh, 2020-2021, Funded by CTRG NSU