Center of Excellence in Higher Education
The First Private University in Bangladesh

Dr. Ishtiaque Ahmed, Barrister-At-Law , MCIArb. (London)

Full Time Faculty
Associate Professor & Chair

Doctor of Juridical Science (J.S.D.) in International Maritime Law & Policy, University of Maine School of Law, Portland, Maine, USA

LL.B (Hons) , LL.M (Maritime Law) University of London in Association with Queen Mary and UCL, Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn, England

B.Sc (Marine Engineering), Bangladesh Marine Academy, Chittagong (29th Batch), A Branch of the World Maritime University, Malmo, Sweden (WMU).

Ex-Certified Merchant Marine Engineer Officer, Certificate of Competency Class III (Motor Ship), Bangladesh Merchant Navy (Third Engineer Officer, Ocean Going Merchant Vessel)

PGCL ( Int. Business Law) ,PGDL ( Corporate & Commercial Law) University of London, UK,  PGDL (Legal & Professional Skill ) City University, London, UK

Member , Chartered Institute of Arbitrators , London, UK

Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext- 2100
Office: NAC 609

Dr. Ishtiaque Ahmed earned his J.S.D (Doctor of Juridical Science) from the Center for Oceans & Coastal Law, University of Maine School of Law, USA with specialization in International Maritime Law & Policy. He obtained his Master of Laws with specialization in Maritime Law from the University of London in association with Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and University College London (UCL) in 2010. Dr. Ahmed worked as the IMO (International Maritime Organization) 'National Legal Consultant' for Bangladesh to assit the country in the reform of its domestic ship recycling laws and build capacity to ratify the relevant international convention. Dr. Ahmed published articles in different reputed international journals and presented research papers on the topic of Maritime, Oceans & Coastal Laws in several international conferences arranged by reputed universities and prestigious organizations around the world. He was the recipient of a Gold Medal, Monetary Award, and Certificate of Outstanding Research for the period 2018-2020 and was acknowledged as the best researcher at the School of Humanities & Social Sciences, North South University during this period. He is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, England (CIArb) since 2010. He is an Ex cadet of Bangladesh Marine Academy Chittagong (29th Batch) from where he completed 4-year Marine Engineering certificate course in line with Merchant Navy Training Board, UK and obtained a Bachelor of Science (Marine Engineering) degree in 1995. He is an Ex-Certified Merchant Marine Engineer Officer, worked on board ocean going merchant vessels as 3rd and 4th Engineer Officer in different shipping companies notably Acomarit (UK) Ltd., Scotland, Mitsui OSK Line, Japan, New Asia Shipping Company Ltd., Hong Kong & Sea Quest Shipping Co. Ltd. Singapore from January 1996 to December 1999. Dr. Ahmed worked as the Chair, Department of Law, North South University from 17 Janaury 2019 to 16 January 2021. He joined North South University as a full-time faculty in September 2011. He began his academic career as a full time lecturer at the Department of Law , Stamford University Bangladesh in January 2006. He is a ‘Non-Resident Visiting Scholar’ at the Center for Oceans and Coastal Law, University of Maine School of Law, USA. As a Rotarian, Dr. Ahmed is also involved in different social clubs and services providing support to the downtrodden and marginalized people of the country. He is an active Member of the Rotary Club of Dhaka Mega City (Membership No: 10752612, Club ID No: 85518, Rotary International District 3281, Bangladesh)


Journal Articles:

  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, 'The Origin and Evolution of Shipbreaking Regime of India: A Critical Perspective', OCEAN YEARBOOK, Schulich Law School, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada (vol. 36, 2022), Ahmed, I. (2022). The Origin and Evolution of the Shipbreaking Regime in India: A Critical Perspective, Ocean Yearbook Online36(1), 551-620. doi:
  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, 'Unravelling Socio-economic and Ecological Distribution Conflicts in Ship Breaking in Bangladesh for Addressing Negative Externalities in Law and Policy Making' MINNESOTA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (Minn. J. Int. Law), 158-210 (2020), University of Minnesota School of Law, USA. Available at
  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, Ungovernable Ships at the End of their Lives and the Response of the Hong Kong Convention: A Critical Appraisal of the Treaty on Ship-breaking from the Perspective of South Asian Ship-breaking Nations, 18 Santa Clara J. Int'l L. 124-174 (2020), University of Santa Clara School of Law, USA , Available at:
  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, Safe & Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships: A Stocktaking of the Current State of International Law, 31 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 60 (2020). University of Fordham School of Law, USA,.Available at:
  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal: A Legal Misfit in Global Ship Recycling Jurisprudence, 29 Wash. L. Rev. 411-454, (2020). University of Washington School of Law, USA,
  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, ‘Unmasking the Critical Participants in Shipbreaking Industry for Apportioning Their Role in Law and Policy Making: A Perspective from Bangladesh’ TRANSPORTATION LAW JOURNAL, (TRANSP. J.) Strum College of Law, University of Denver, USA, Spring 202I,
  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, ‘Toward a Safe and Sustainable Industry of Ship-breaking: International Initiatives and South Asian Response" , JOURNAL OF MARITIME LAW AND COMMERCE , (JMLC), USA, July 2020, >
  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, The Origin and Evaluation of Ship Breaking Regime of South Asia: A Critical Perspective from Bangladesh, LEGAL ISSUES JOURNAL, UK (2020).
  • Jashim Ahmed, Ishtiaque Ahmed, Muhammad Chowdhury, ‘Ferdous; Custom Made Tailors Fabrics fashions: New Challenges Ahead", ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (APJMRI), SAGE Publications, Vol: 12 (2), 177-183 (Nov. 2016).
  • Ishtiaque Ahmed,' Bangladesh: A Jurisdiction Wails for Scholarly Research for Sustainability & Development', Dhaka, THE CHARTERED SECRETARY (ICSB, A Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament) , pp. 20-22 (March 2015).
  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, ‘ADR in Corporate Wrangling; A Vehicle for Easy Access to Justice’, Dhaka, THE CHARTERED SECRETARY (ICSB, A Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament), XIV (1), pp. 28-34 (March 2012).
  • The Confluence of Divine Law and Modern Legal Systems: Insights from Sharia on Achieving Balance Between Justice and Equity,  I Ahmed, TH Saara, IH Elma, J. Islamic L. Resch. 25
  • The Basel Convention and Ship Decommissioning in the Economically Disadvantaged Nations: Bangladeshi Perspective, I Ahmed, J. Envtl. L. & Pol'y 4, 1
  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, 'Implementing the Ship Recycling Convention in the Developing Nations: An Evaluation on the Legislative Gaps on the Jurisdiction, Methods, and Procedures of Ship Recycling in Bangladesh', Journal of Maritime Lw and Commerce, JMLC, USA (2025) forthcoming

Academic Conference:

 Invited Speaker in Industry Conference:


  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, 'Hong Kong Convention and the Framework Legislations on Ship Recycling in Bangladesh: A Gap Analysis for the Purpose of the Effective Implementation of the Convention', (IMO Seminar on Ship Recycling and the Hong Kong Convention, Zhoushan, China, 23 -25 July 2019)
  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, 'Safe and Environmentally Sound Ship Recycling in Bangladesh', (International Maritime Organization Workshop on Ship Recycling, Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka, November 2018)
  • Ishtiaque Ahmed, International trade in the North Atlantic Arctic and near-Arctic regions; Legal and Technological Infrastructure Challenges, (Fourth Ramball Arctic Round Tables 2016, Portland ME, USA 8-9 December 2016)

Project & Consultancy:

  1. Worked as IMO “National Consultant (Legal)” for Bangladesh in the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships (IMO SENSREC Project) from August 2018 to December 2020 and lead author of the ‘Main Report’ with detailed recommendations and road-map for the Government of Bangladesh for accession to and effective implementation of the Hong Kong Convention published by International Maritime Organization (IMO)  <
  2. Worked as an environmental law expert for Japan Marine Science Inc. and New Vision in the feasibility study report on establishing a treatment storage and disposal facility (TSDF) for ship recycling and other industries in Bangladesh. The project was funded by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), administered by Ministry of Industries Bangladesh focusing on the amendment of 'Hazardous Waste and Shipbreaking Waste Management Rule 2011'
  3. Served as the sole Legal Consultant of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for Bangladesh in the SENSREC (Safe and Environmentally Sound Ship Recycling) Phase III Project, focusing on regulatory amendments to the Bangladesh Ship Recycling Rules, 2011 and the Bangladesh Ship Recycling Act 2018.

International Research Collaboration :

     1. Non-Resident Visiting Scholar at the Center for Oceans and Coastal Law, University of Maine School of Law, USA (The State of Maine's only & public law school)  <>


Maritime and Oceans & Coastal Law Award , University of Maine School of Law , USA.

 (played at 1 hrs.15 min .20 sec)

Maine Law Class of 2018, Alumni News:


North South University Research Excellence Award 2021 (Gold Medal)

Best Researcher, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, North South University ( 2018 - 2020),




J.S.D. (University of Maine School of Law, USA) , LL.B (Hons) University of London, LL.M (Maritime Law) University of London in Association with Queen Mary & UCL,
Bachelor of Science (Marine Engineering), Bangladesh Marine Academy, Chittagong (29th Batch), Ex Certified Marine Engineer Officer, Ocean Going Merchant Vessel.
PGCL ( Int. Business Law) ,PGDL ( Corporate & Commercial Law) University of London
PGDL (Legal & Professional Skill ) Inns of Court School of Law, City University, London, UK 

Prior working full time at the Department of Law at North South University, Mr. Ahmed taught law in different higher educational institutions both at home and abroad as adjunct faculty member. He has got over 12 years of teaching experience at undergraduate and post graduate level including part time positions. He taught Contract Law, Tort Law, Islamic Law, Islamic Criminal Law, Law of Trust , Evidence, European Union Law  as adjunct faculty member in LL.B. and LL.M. programs and ‘Business law’ and ‘Business Ethics’ in BBA and MBA programs of the following reputed universities and law schools in Bangladesh.


  • School of Business & Economics, North South University, (NSU)
  • United International University (UIU)
  • International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC) [Dhaka Campus],
  • Dhaka International University, (DIU)
  • Stamford University, Bangladesh (SUB)
  • Northern University, Bangladesh (NUB)
  • British School of Law, (BSL)
  • Chancery Law Academy (CLA)
  • London College of Legal Studies, (South) (LCLS)
  • New Castle law Academy (NCLA)
  • Britannia Law Academy (BLA)
  • Dhaka Centre for Law and Economics, (DCLE)

 Dr. Ahmed currently is a ‘Non-Resident Visiting Scholar’ at the Center for Oceans and Coastal Law, University of Maine School of Law, USA.




Mr. Ahmed worked as "National Consultant (Legal) " of IMO (International Maritime Organization) in Bangladesh to assist the country in the reform and alignment of several domestic maritime legislations and institutional frame work with the international standard. International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a specialized regulatory agency of the United Nations with responsibility for the safety and security of international shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships.

He served in the past as "Merchant Marine Engineer Officer" on board ocean going merchant vessels carrying foreign flags. He has about four years sea service experience as 3rd and 4th Engineer. He worked for M/S Mitsui OSK Lines, Japan, Acomarit (UK) Ltd and M/S Sea Quest Shipping Co. Ltd, Singapore as Certified Watch Keeping Officer on board ocean going vessels in full charge of Engine Room watch. Dr. Ahmed has successfully completed the following nationally & internationally accredited courses;

1. Advanced Training on Fire Fighting; Awarding body: BMA ( Bangladesh Marine Academy,Chittagong)
1. Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats; Awarding body: BMA ( Bangladesh Marine Academy,Chittagong)
2. Basic Sea Survival; Awarding body: BMA ( Bangladesh Marine Academy, Chittagong)
2. Advanced First Aid; Awarding body: BMA ( Bangladesh Marine Academy, Chittagong)
3. Certificate in Personal Safety and Social Responsibility ; Awarding body: Seaman Training Center, Chittagong, Director General of Shipping, Govt of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
4. Internal Auditor course on ISO 9001:2008; Awarding body: Bureau Veritus Bangladesh Pvt Ltd.
5. Advanced Course on Research Methodology ; Awarding body: University of Dhaka
6. UNDSS Basic Security in the Field ; Awarding body: United Nations Department of Safety & Security
7. UNDSS Advanced Security in the Field ; Awarding body: United Nations Department of Safety & Security

Maritime & Shipping Law (LL.M 515)

Law of the Sea

Corporate Governance (LL.M 512)

Corporate Law

International Commercial Arbitrations

Legal Environment of Business (LAW 200)

Legal Ethics


1.  Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London, UK (MCIArb)
2.  Dhaka Taxes Bar Association
3.  Bangladesh Bar Council
4.  Dhaka Bar Association
5.  Bangladesh Supreme Court Bar Association
6. The Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, London, UK
7. Ex. Member, Merchant Navy Officers Guild, Hong Kong
8. Member, Rotary Club of Dhaka Mega City
9. Member, International Maritime Lecturer's Association (IMLA) Sweden
10.Member, Merchant Mariners Association of Bangladesh

Maritime, Oceans & Coastal Law, International Commercial Arbitration, Corporate & Commercial Law